Destiny 2: the most anticipated sequel of 2017

The game "Destiny 2" is an online multiplayer shooter with a heavy reliance on cooperative gameplay.
Many of the most challenging activities in the game are hidden away in so-called Lost Sectors, which can only be found by following treasure maps that are scattered throughout the world. This article will discuss how to find these lost sectors and what challenges await players when they get there.
The first step is to take a map from your postmaster, decode it using an item called decoding dust then head into the sector once you've located its location. Be prepared for difficult enemies though!
What is Destiny 2
Destiny 2 is an online-multiplayer first person shooter with a heavy reliance on cooperative game-play. Many of the most challenging activities in the game are hidden away in so-called "lost sectors," which can only be found by following treasure maps that are scattered throughout the world. This article will discuss how to find these lost sectors and what challenges await players when they get there.
The first step is to take a map from your postmaster, decode it using an item called decoding dust, then head into the sector once you've located its location. Be prepared for difficult enemies though!
Why are gamers so excited for this game
Destiny 2 has been anticipated for a while now, with players voicing their concerns over the gameplay and plot. However, the players who have played the game have promised that it will be a ton of fun and a great experience. Players are also excited because they will get to use their old character again—who were able to level up all the way to 20 in Destiny 1.

Who is the developer behind this game
Bungie is the developer behind Destiny 2. They are most notably known for their work on the Halo series, which is also an online-multiplayer first person shooter. Bungie has been praised for their work on Destiny 1 and are looking to improve on that with Destiny 2. The game is set to release September 6, 2017.
Lost sectors tangled shore
Lost Sectors are a co-op multiplayer activity in Destiny 2, and they're one of the best ways for players to experience new content that Bungie didn't have time to build into the core game. These areas are hidden away from public view until you've found them, and there's always some sort of challenge waiting for you as soon as you step inside! In order to find these lost sectors, first take an item called a "treasure map" from your "postmaster." You'll need to decode the map so it shows the location of the hidden sector. Once you've determined its location, head over and do what you can to find it. The challenges faced in these lost sectors vary depending upon the type of sector.
What platforms will it be available on
Destiny 2 is only available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. There is no PC release announced as of now. This may be due to the fact that Bungie and Activision, the publisher of the game, are currently in a legal dispute. The two companies are arguing over who deserves the profits from Destiny 2's sales.
Destiny 2 is an online multiplayer game with tons of content for players to experience. The most difficult and rewarding activities are hidden away in so-called Lost Sectors, which can only be found by following treasure maps that are scattered throughout the world. This article will discuss how to find these lost sectors and what challenges await players when they get there. If you're looking for a new challenge or just want some advice on how to play Destiny 2, this guide should help!
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